This page is dedicated to all the
idiots. I believe that we are surrounded by them. Especially
where I live, there seems to betoo many. Anyways, I wanted to start
out by listing some of the top things that make people idiots...
Idiots love to think that no one
else is on the road and that they can do practically whatever they want.
Idiots love to talk on their cell
phone while they drive and not see that they have 30 cars backed up behind
When you're cruising, idiots love
to pull out in front of you and go 10 mph.
Idiots like to call me during dinner
or bedtime and try to sell me something that will end up costing me a fortune,
but they say it's a great deal...cause they're idiots.
Idiots don't know what "No!" means.
Idiots are found on MTV because
all they play now are slowjams and stupid shows that aren't music videos!!!
Hoochiemammas are idiots.
Idiots have 4 nice cars, when there
are only 2 drivers.
Now don't get all bent out of shape
if you happen to fall into one of these categories. The first step
in the road to recovery from idiotness is realizing that you are an idiot...then
you can change your badself.
Remember that the Homeister is watching
out for you!!